Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The 1983 iPhone

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yes, it's from Apple, and it's a phone!

From Apartment Therapy: Unplugged


This image was found by Marc Esslinger, the son of Hartmut Esslinger who designed the famous Apple IIc. If you don't remember, the Apple IIc was the first portable computer from 1984. We featured the image back in 2007 when the article came out, but we never really expanded on the ideas that this image represents.

It's quite amazing to see that this iPhone also had touchscreen capabilities, even though it was corded. Still, the basic premise existed far in the past of Apple. No wonder that the iPhone currently works so well. It's been something that has been studied for quite a while. It was a design that was way ahead of its time. You can read more about Marc's personal Apple story over at Fudder. However, the article is in German. Click here for a translated version! [via Hello Bauldoff] Translated original story